“Evaluate Well to Ensure Valid Business”

Evaluation of Companies and Investment Projects

ECS consultants specialize in business valuation, using international standard valuation methods.

Patrimonial Perspective

“Book Value” method

It is based on the valuation of the company’s assets, such as facilities, stocks, etc., and attention must be taken to adjust them to the current market value. These assets will then be deducted from liabilities, obtaining the value of equity.

Income Perspective

“Discounted Cash Flows” Method

It requires preliminary work in the development, together with the owner or management team of the company, of a projection for the coming years based on a certain strategy, conditioned by the expected environment.

The ultimate goal is to obtain a value range derived from the Discounted Cash-Flows (DCF) method, based on the technical expertise of ECS consultants and using specialized tools.

Market Perspective

“Market Multiples” method

Using databases of international transactions in the various sectors of activity, the ECS team obtains multiple market averages that applies to a given cash flow, obtaining the value of the company.

In parallel, ECS is able to support companies and entrepreneurs who want to develop investment projects, supporting them in defining the strategy and structuring a viability plan.

ECS – Excellent Commercial Services